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How To Deal With Stress And Anxiety During Quarantine

Now when the whole world is under quarantine, its getting normal to feel uncertain, anxiety and stress due to being not able to move around or hangout with friends. But containing stress and anxiety is not good for your health, so here are 5 tips for you to stay healthy and sane and to stay away from anxiety, stress and uncertainty during quarantine:-

1.Stick To A Routine

Well now that you have nowhere to go its obvious to put off the alarm and back into bed, only to freak out later as you have missed your class, or meeting while you were asleep. Getting off schedule has its own side effects as when you wake up and you have nothing planned you are very much tempted to procrastinate and get anxious. So make a routing for yourself, plan what you are going to do the next day the previous night. It will help you get up quickly as you will have something to accomplish on that day and you won't be wandering around next morning figuring out what to do next.

2. Exercise

Well that seems pretty obvious, right? but still many of us ignore it. While we are safe at home we are working casually from our couch we don't need to worry about being late for our meeting, or missing our bus so we simply don't run around or climb stairs. which leads to more sitting time hurting our backs and posture. Exercising will help you get rid of it. When we exercise we cover up for those lack of rush and runs we had during a normal day and hence maintaining metabolism and the regular blood flow hence keeping stress away.

3.Bring Back Old Memories

There is no better time than this quarantine to revisit what you have lived once. Revisit your past feel what you have once felt, be it your first candlelight dinner with your spouse or when you have made your first ever beat or your school mischief. Those were good times and they are something to keep hold of for later time sometime just like now when we are surrounded with negativity. Those memories will generate hope,they'll create happiness and give you the strength to fight back the stress getting on your nerves. So get up clean the dust off the album, call your old school friend, pick up the guitar and play the first tune you have played on it. Just feel what you have felt once

4.Dress Up

Well that might seem weird, why do you wanna dress up when you are not going anywhere, Well when you take shower, put on work clothes and get to work although in your home, you trick your mind into believing that you are doing serious work instead of sitting in your pyjamas and working sleepy. This triggers your brain to release those chemicals which are required to put you from sleep mode to work mode. Just get up take a shower and put on your work clothes, believe me it'll work wonders.

5.Choose Your News Source Wisely

Now in this crucial time of pandemic news agencies are booming, even now and then you might encounter some news going on about somewhere, But news channels have this tendency to emphasize more on bad news and negativity, because we being emotional creatures stick to negative news much longer as compared to positive. so choose sources which do not emphasize much on bad news and do not read news first thing in the morning because this will put your brain into series of negative thoughts, instead focus on more mindful practices such as meditation in the morning and read your news later in the day and prefer written news either in form of e-paper or authorized news apps.

6. Believe

Believe that everything is gonna be all right. Human beings have seen many calamities and its just one on them. Plague was a horrible hit (now don't go googling about it.) but we have survived it and it was at the time where there were no technology to support the health system, but now we are fully capable from highly sophisticated machines to super fast computers for running every possible combination and permutation of chemicals against Covid-19. So believe, we will get through it together, all this will be over soon.
