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How to get more productive work done in the same 24 hours

Important things we overlook, Which have adverse effects on us

Oftentimes it happens that due to workload or study pressure or just for casual leisure be it watching movies or playing games, we overlook some important aspects of life which affects our life and productivity. so here are some thing you shouldn't overlook at all:

1. Sleep

Yeah its obvious but many people ignore it because they don't feel sleep as something important and feel like its just to relax, so they try to relax with other things and later feel the consequences. Sleep is an important part of human life cycle it helps us to repair, refresh, regenerate and grow. We are always working in some form or other during the day but at night when we sleep our body repairs itself and restores energy required to keep going the next day. So avoiding or ignoring sleep often is nothing fancy. Recent studies shows that on an average a person with a week of 4 hour sleep per day has a very similar response time and mental health as an alcoholic due to the fact that lack of sleep causes mental imbalance and lack of coordination. So don't avoid it.

2. Reading

we consider reading as a medium to study, but its far more than that. Reading improves brain health, due to the fact that reading books requires you to see the text, perceive it and understand it. and its not just limited to reading study books or self help, reading fiction helps improving imagination and vocabulary.
"Reading is to the mind, what exercising is to the body"

3. Long sitting

When we sit down the blood flow in our legs slows down, which is fine for some time  but when we sit for long hours without even getting up once, it causes our heart to pump harder to get the blood to legs and due to which it stresses more. This causes numbness in legs and increases our chances of getting a heart attack. So you should get up and move around after every 45 minutes, to get the proper blood flow.

4. Posture

While we are sitting or standing, we often tend to slouch forward which leads to curving of spine and rounded shoulders and spinal pains. while sitting on a desk, we slouch forward and put a stress on our spine, which in long term leads to greater issues such as neck and lower back pains. while its not possible to sit in a fixed 'good' posture all time, but we should correct our posture as often as possible.

5. Anger Management

Once a great man said : "Anger is from the devil's side" , its so true that no one can deny it. Anger causes us to lose control and ability to think perspective , we don't want to see the other person's view, and or his/her reasoning. Anger overwhelms us and makes us do things we later regret. So how you're going to control it? first off when you get angry, Sit down, drink a glass of water, speak nothing, if you still can't control, drink more water and lie down. it will send you mind a signal that you are relaxed and the rage will be eased.(try it ;) )

Hope that helps
