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The Key to Eternal Happiness

Most of the things we do in our lives are to gain happiness, or feel satisfied, blessed and content, but in recent years its like the happiness we knew once has vanished altogether. We don't hang out the same way anymore, we don't feel the same anymore, all our lives and its pleasures have been trapped inside our daily problems and issues and when we get some spare time with no problems, we spent or rather i say waste on our "Entertainment", watching Netflix, browsing Reddit, or just fiddling in our phones. It is completely fine to be alone sometimes so as to reflect on our life but always being alone is a great threat to our health, We get so obsessed with our wants that we often overlook most fundamental aspect of our lives, and run after materialistic happiness, but at the root of all this we still do it for the sake of getting happy so here are few ways to stay happy and content without breaking the bank:

1. Gratitude

Its like complaining has become an routine in our daily life, we complain for everything - the busy traffic, slow internet or the food being not great. but the thing is - we are lucky, if you are reading this post it means you are literate enough to read and understand English, you either have a smartphone or a computer with a working internet connection. and that is a blessing not everyone has. Many people out there work a lot harder and intense and still just gain a square meal twice a day and live in odd houses because that's all they can afford. we complain being sick but there are people with much worse diseases and not enough money or facilities to get well. we complain about food not being good, they eat whatever edible thing they have or they get. so look down on what you have, not what you don't. And to put it into a daily habit create a list with points like:
  • I have a healthy working body and mind
  • I have a caring family
  • I am literate
  • I have a bed to sleep
  • I have clean water to drink
  • I have food to Eat
and you can add many points as you wish as per the facilities and luxury you have, like your hobbies and job. Read it every morning and be grateful for what you have.

2. Focus on Experience than Materialistic things

Its a sure thing that buying stuff we want makes us happy, money sure is a good asset to have no doubt about it, but the problem is we often get bored with stuff we have and want something new and something different, but the things are limited (or maybe too expensive), instead you should focus on experiencing more. When you go on a date, be present understand your partner, when out with friends don't pull out your phone out let it rest and have chat with them, pull their leg, taunt them, get taunted XD, share feelings, go to new places, instead of just watching people enjoy their life on Instagram, create one for yourself, be present in the moments, preserve them in your hearts and make amazing memories. which will live on forever and won't break like your phone. so focus on experiences instead of things.

3. Stop chasing attention

"But then how people will adore my work I have put my heart and soul in" you say?, I did not mean you don't tell them about your work, but don't make something to get attention, do it because you love it or you want to do it. Don't loop on "What people will think", "Will I get more likes if I draw this" or "will I be more popular if I start playing guitar". Always do something because you want to do, not because people will love it. Just be yourselves that's what everyone likes about someone. 

Be Everything to Everyone and you'll be nothing for yourself
~John Rushton


There is no worse feeling than revenge, containing negative emotions such as hatred and revenge are too heavy a burden to be carried. You should forgive often as this enhances you gentleness and make you more a greater person than the person you forgive. Forgiving makes you kind hearted, but one thing to keep in mind - Forgive but not to such extent that people start taking you for granted. forgive and let the other person know that you expect him/her to not repeat the deed.

5. Stay away from sour arguments

Arguments and discussions are good, but the moment they turn into something unbearable and sour, its good to back off and close it ASAP, whether you dismiss it and change the topic and if the person is really persistent, let your ego down and accept his/her point in order to save the bond you have. You can later explain your point in a way that can convince them but avoid arguments that can lead to broken relationships.

That's all for now


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